This is wild. Watch Ron DeSantis’s full answer on Publix, Walgreen’s and CVS vaccine distribution and look at the edited cut 60 Minutes used: pic.twitter.com/FqTRgOZS9Z
— Clay Travis (@ClayTravis) April 5, 2021
This mashup of what 60 Minutes aired compared to the full context of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ reply clearly illuminates why so many Americans distrust media.
The reporter is pushing a pay-for-play conspiracy involving the Republican governor but his timeline of which companies were given COVID vaccine options dismantles CBS reporter Sharyn Alfonsi’s narrative.
But she edited it to tell the story from her “objective” perch.
Even some prominent Democrats slammed the 60 Minutes story. CBS said it edited the governor’s comments down to the poignant words that answered the reporter’s question. Hmm.
The unedited video included in the above tweet shows that 60 Minutes cut out everything printed in bold from DeSantis:

Our media business is jammed with more activists than reporters, and all media companies are suffering because of it.
As for CBS skewing news to fit a leftist viewpoint, former employee Bernard Goldberg wrote about it 20 years ago.
On another note of media malpractice, Gannett and other media companies are being sued after naming the wrong person who uttered the n-word on an Oklahoma high school basketball broadcast.
Oops. Wrong guy. Now get out your wallets, media companies.
The rush to be first often to turns into the worst.
So why did I use a photo of White House press secretary Jen Psaki at the top of this post? Because it’s a bait-and-switch with a germ of truth. Jen is the spokesperson for Democrat President Joe Biden, the subject of often fawning media coverage in a narrative driven modern journalism culture.
Jen Psaki has nothing to do with this post but my editorial decision to use her image gets clicks, which builds online heft, which helps media people like me stay in business.
Deception? Yes. Effective? Yes.
Unbiased, objective optics that media should employ? Nope.
The three most important rules in journalism: Accuracy. Accuracy. Accuracy.