Hey Reporter Rick, I went fishing once with Coach Jonah. A whale swallowed us and then spit us out three days later because he had to speak at the #Bassmaster press conference. True story. 🐳 https://t.co/DLsGbUyxTU
— Terry Meiners (@terrymeiners) December 29, 2020
Media people are having fun torching some Alabama football sycophantic reporter named Rick Karle. This kiss ass Nick Saban worshipper posted instructions on Facebook for people to address the Bama football leader as COACH Saban, not informally as Nick.
Karle’s ire was raised after a young female reporter opened with “Hi, Saban.” It was likely a nervous burst where she accidentally omitted “Coach” from her greeting but this longtime TV sports reporter Karle felt the need to shame her.

Karle’s twitter bio claims that he once went fishing with Saban. Oh wow. I can’t believe that Nick never got a tattoo of Rick’s face on his reeling hand.
Relax, Bama buttkisser. Being a coach is not an elected or bestowed unearned title like Prince, Governor, or Doctor Dre. It’s just a job description.
We are all grownups and the man’s name is Nick. He is sometimes surly with media people so he’s lucky that they don’t call him by a name that rhymes with Nick.
Alabama football toadies have always elevated their football coach to godlike status. Here’s Paul Bear Bryant (I forgot to say COACH) mansplaining to the unwelcome woman reporter from ABC sports.
As a retired middle school lacrosse coach, I now ask everyone refer to me as “Coach Ting.” #Respect https://t.co/20V7HRcX8w
— Dennis J. Ting (@DennisJTing) December 29, 2020
Reporter Rick is probably walking a truer line after strapping on twitter response corrective shoes. Right, pal?
quote tweet this with a mundane experience you’ve shared with someone who is more famous than you
(but you obviously have enough chill to leave it out of your twitter bio) pic.twitter.com/b3VV9qoFEJ
— elizabeth ann lowder (@getlowder) December 29, 2020