Every afternoon at 4:35 on @840WHAS, MEET THE MEINERS. I'm staying in touch with family on the radio. #BBN fanatic Greg Meiners taunts me for loving UofL, talks of spiritual support for neighbors during #COVID19 shutdown, family strength. ❤️ AUDIO https://t.co/kBJdDrHKBg #fam pic.twitter.com/goRlENkhH6 — Terry Meiners (@terrymeiners) March 24, 2020 MEET THE MEINERS - My incredible sister Michele Renbarger popped on @840WHAS today to share family tales and for me to brag about her selfless community service. She’s a loving, thoughtful, funny sib, wife, mom, and friend. ❤️ AUDIO https://t.co/VNIBiCRBC7 #familyiseverything pic.twitter.com/tt5FPuPEnd — Terry Meiners (@terrymeiners) March 24, 2020 MEET THE MEINERS - My brother Mark popped on @840WHAS to talk quarantine time, getting teens out of bed for online school, a salute to