Every afternoon at 4:35 on @840WHAS, MEET THE MEINERS. I'm staying in touch with family on the radio. #BBN fanatic Greg Meiners taunts me for loving UofL, talks of spiritual support for neighbors during #COVID19 shutdown, family strength. ❤️ AUDIO https://t.co/kBJdDrHKBg #fam pic.twitter.com/goRlENkhH6 — Terry Meiners (@terrymeiners) March 24, 2020 MEET THE MEINERS - My incredible sister Michele Renbarger popped on @840WHAS today to share family tales and for me to brag about her selfless community service. She’s a loving, thoughtful, funny sib, wife, mom, and friend. ❤️ AUDIO https://t.co/VNIBiCRBC7 #familyiseverything pic.twitter.com/tt5FPuPEnd — Terry Meiners (@terrymeiners) March 24, 2020 MEET THE MEINERS - My brother Mark popped on @840WHAS to talk quarantine time, getting teens out of bed for online school, a salute to
Tag: tim meiners
St. Stephen Martyr football: we were champs 50 years ago
My St. Stephen Martyr boys were perfect. We didn't all get straight As. Some of us sassed teachers and earned detention. Others screwed up in their personal lives but when it came to football, we were dialed in. We practiced hard every afternoon. If Coach Don Kalbhin thought we were slouching, he'd order our dads to line up their cars and turn on the headlights so we could keep practicing after sunset. Our dads deferred to the coach's wishes. The reward unfolded through the course of the season. Our little football team was perfect in 1968. We beat all challengers, including the Holy Family team listed below to win the Toy Bowl. It would be the only championship experience many of
Painting the town red
The University of Louisville's inaugural season in the Atlantic Coast Conference demands a new look on the Yum Center basketball floor. This time lapse video shows the entire process. Meanwhile, athletics director Tom Jurich and head basketball coach Rick Pitino are participating in various charitable fundraising events to further the school's philanthropic footprint in Kentucky and the region.