Taylor Swift meets hundreds of people during her concert tours. Contest winners, fan club officials, music industry people, and radio station employees are usually given a chance to say hello and pose for a photo at most Swift shows. She even sends personal follow-up notes to many radio personalities to thank them for playing her music.

One idiot Denver DJ decided to grab a handful of Taylor’s butt during a 2013 backstage photo shoot. (photo obtained by TMZ)
Now the idiot deejay is suing Taylor Swift, claiming that her “false accusation” that he sexually assaulted her cost him his job and future employment elsewhere. Taylor Swift countersued, saying that DJ David Mueller “took his hand and put it up my dress and grabbed onto my ass cheek. And no matter how much I scooted over, it was still there.”
About 30 “Swifties” (Taylor Swift fans) gathered outside the courthouse on the second day of jury selection. The trial could take up several more days and spill into next week.
Here’s the jury selection questionnaire. This idiot deejay wants his 15 minutes and Taylor Swift is putting the hammer down “serving as an example to other women who may resist publicly reliving similar outrageous and humiliating acts.”
Eventual outcome: idiot gets nothing, Taylor gets the last laugh

Nothing inappropriate happened here with my longtime buddy Scott Shannon, New York City’s #1 rated morning show host. Taylor Swift makes regular visits to top radio stations and is very good natured about taking photos with radio supporters.
David Mueller, the former Denver deejay, is simply trying to hold onto his flash of fame with a ridiculous $3 million lawsuit. Taylor Swift is asking for $1.
UPDATE: Taylor Swift won. David Mueller still contends that he never groped Swift, that he didn’t want money, and all he needed was a note where her camp claimed it was a misunderstanding. Mueller says he needs that note to help him find employment in broadcasting.
DJ, please.