📻 Here’s meteorologist Jeremy Kappell on his lawsuit vs Rochester’s WHEC, the cruel actions of Rochester Mayor Lovely Warren & gutless TV general manager Dick Reingold, support from Al Roker, Don Lemon, Craig Melvin, and Rochester viewers, other weather people mispronouncing MLK without a beatdown, and how public shaming strengthened Jeremy’s family & faith 🎙️ #bullies #media DETAILS on the Kappell website.

Rochester Mayor Lovely Warren demanded Jeremy Kappell’s firing without ever speaking to him or communicating with him in any capacity. Mayor Warren understands forgiveness as she is married to a man who drove the getaway car in a jewelry store robbery 20 years ago. She also defended a Rochester council member accused of embezzling tens of thousands of dollars, imploring the public to avoid judging the councilman without knowing all of the facts.

WHEC-TV station manager Dick Reingold, a gutless weasel who doesn’t stand up for employees who speak live on air without a script. A manager of live broadcasters has a primary job to defend his on air talent. Dick is likely fearful of losing political advertising dollars or chopped Kappell because he was the highest paid weather department employee. WHEC-TV advertising and ratings are reportedly down since the Kappell firing.