It’s tournament time. Above^^^^is Chane Behanan’s Thunder Dunk from the DePaul game. Below is the cast of the final Courtside With Rick Pitino weekly coach’s show on WHAS-11.

Courtside With Rick Pitino features career highlights of Gorgui Dieng and Peyton Siva, who share their feelings about the city and fans. Coach P previews the Notre Dame game and tourney prep. It runs Sat. morning at 9:30 on WHAS-11. Thanks to exec. producer Debbie Bunton Harbsmeier for a scintillating, lengthy highlights reel set to Pitbull’s “Don’t Stop The Party.” Debbie creates a terrific show every week, every season. DVR this season finale for enjoyment over the long summer. A salute to our great Courtside crew this season: Sam Gray, Jeff Gard, Jim Ghrist, Phil Dunaway, Mary Rousch, Eric Severs, Bethany Williams, Marty Tuttle, Amy Stallings, Katie Danner, and Tony Wyleta. Outstanding work, team. L1C4