Every week brings another act of terrorism against citizens in western countries. The latest is a van filled with men mowing down London Bridge pedestrians followed by random stabbings of pub patrons until police shot them dead.
You know these random mass killings around the world are your fault for loving your country, right?
Any white people that died in London tonight deserved it. They keep spewing they're filthy nationalistic bullshit… this is what they get.
— Eric Lifeson (@majorleaguenugt) June 4, 2017
Ignore the obvious. Keep telling yourself it’s not a problem. Resist reality.
And then there is Trump the Provocateur. His caustic tweets tend to stir up trouble before the victims’ are laid to rest.
MSNBC anchor: Is Trump "trying to provoke a domestic terrorist attack"? https://t.co/6HzMbogKQf pic.twitter.com/92SMLvarDZ
— The Hill (@thehill) June 5, 2017
Of course Trump doesn’t need any new domestic terrorism to solidify his hardline stance on immigration. San Bernadino, Times Square, Ft. Hood, Boston Marathon, and so many other intentional mass casualty tragedies validate the need for change.
It’s the methodology, not the messenger. Trump’s boorish behavior aside, a Democrat and Republican consensus strategy must develop to thwart terror or it will consume America.
That chick with the COEXIST bumper sticker believes that terrorism will stop because Ariana Grande will sing her way into jihadists’ hearts. Just don’t overreact, Love trumps hate.
Reality check: love doesn’t trump jihadists with vehicles in crowded places.
Why worry? You’re 32 and still living off daddy while demonizing him to your snowflake friends.
Someday daddy will be gone. But the jihadists won’t be. Good luck with that.
Maybe then daddy’s advice will start to make sense.