Comedian Tim Allen appeared on Late Night With Jimmy Kimmel and stirred up controversy by comparing Liberal Hollywood group think with ’30s Germany oppression.
Here comes the I’M OFFENDED parade. Liberals immediately made the leap that Allen was equating pressure to conform with, well, very brutal, murderous pressure to conform.
For those of you who have forgotten…humor is exaggeration of real circumstances. As Bill Maher says, “This is PARODY…something that we in the comedy business call a JOKE.”

The most amazing part of this “news” is that the LGBT community didn’t have a conniption fit over Allen’s assertion that a Gay Pride Parade with trucks full of naked men is no place to take your 5-year-old.
Isn’t that micro aggressive, homophobic HATE SPEECH? Are you trying to teach your child that alternative lifestyles should be kept in the closet? For shame, Tim Allen! You are DEAD TO ALL SANCTIMONIOUS SNOWFLAKES and you will NEVER WORK IN THIS TOWN AGAIN!
signed, the tolerant people 😉