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It’s da shuuuuuuuzzzzzzz, baby!

At 11 a.m. on January 15, 2014, I realized that I’d already been to Mass and then hosted a live TV show wearing two different styles of shoes. Not one person mentioned my mismatch. Am I so cray cray now that no one even notices an oddity of this level? Time to hire a Man Friday.

January 15, 2014 -- Somehow I left the house and went to Mass, then hosted a live TV show and then went home to change before discovering what I'd done.  And not one person mentioned it to me.
January 15, 2014 — Somehow I left the house and went to Mass, then hosted a live TV show and then went home to change before discovering what I’d done. And not one person mentioned it to me.

You’ll note in the photo that I also lost a tassel. You can see the different shoes in this TV segment. I never caught it until I went home to change.

Here’s some video from Great Day Live where you can see my mismatched shoes.

While the rest of the day was uneventful, my Facebook friends ate it up.

Samantha Hall Gross, Becca White, Laura Rogers and 196 others like this.

Darrell Waddell Underwear or panties?
7 hours ago ยท Unlike ยท 1

Teresa A Branstetter Dress in the dark this morning? Lol
7 hours ago ยท Like ยท 2

Sarah White Pearrow ยท 3 mutual friends
I’d just go ahead and go home now ….
7 hours ago ยท Like

Jenny Ramsay ยท Friends with Billy Reed and 8 others
Oops. At least they are the same color
7 hours ago ยท Like

April McCloud ยท 8 mutual friends
Haha! Brittany Young, I KNOW you know why I tagged you.
7 hours ago ยท Like ยท 1

Tyra Amrein ยท Friends with John Asher and 28 others
Dude …. Really????? lol
7 hours ago ยท Like

James Dearing Women only look at the SIZE of your feet, not what it on the.
7 hours ago ยท Like

Kim Hendley OH NO! Boy,go get you a pair of new shoes!! LOL!
7 hours ago ยท Like

Eric W Bullock ยท 84 mutual friends
The last time I noticed tassels they were attaced to a girl and there was a pole in the room.
7 hours ago ยท Unlike ยท 1

Kenny PaPaw Oliva Sr. ยท 29 mutual friends
I bet you have another pair just like this at home. I have a nice pair of shoes with a tassel missing. I wonder where you can purchase a tassel only.
7 hours ago ยท Like

Brian Pappaw Bailey I have two pair of those….
7 hours ago ยท Like

Becky AndThomas Johnson ยท 13 mutual friends
You’er a crazy man!
7 hours ago ยท Like

Shelby Elise Schneidtmiller This made my day!
7 hours ago ยท Like

Marty Messex Too many years of “dressing for radio”
7 hours ago ยท Unlike ยท 4

Selina Jones ยท Friends with Kevin Harned and 9 others
Oh I bet people noticed, just wanted to see how long it took you.
7 hours ago ยท Unlike ยท 4

Libby Parkinson ยท 16 mutual friends
At least they are the same color.
7 hours ago ยท Like ยท 2

KL TechMan Burkhead ยท 14 mutual friends
Public appearances…..whatever
7 hours ago ยท Like

Terry Meiners ^^^My next door neighbor^^^ Libby, you should have told me instead of pointing and laughing as I walked down to the mailbox.
7 hours ago ยท Like ยท 2

Teresa Rutherford I thought only woimen did that… Because we buy the same shoe in different colors…
7 hours ago ยท Like ยท 1

Joan Wuetcher ยท 2 mutual friends
Ha, Love that. Done that before
7 hours ago ยท Like

Linda King Frantsvog ยท 6 mutual friends
That’s to different shoes. Watch your back
7 hours ago ยท Like

Rhonda Hope Tsk tsk…
7 hours ago ยท Like

Stephanie Wilkerson Nickelson At least they’re the same color
7 hours ago ยท Like

Betsey Thegoddess Vonderheide ยท 4 mutual friends
this makes me smile. been there. done that.
7 hours ago ยท Like

Becky Box ยท Friends with Rachel Platt and 10 others
I’ve done that- that is what you get for getting dressed in the dark. Let face it — people are interested in the handsome face not your big feet.
7 hours ago ยท Like

Bradley Keith Kiper ยท 63 mutual friends
At least you manage to get the feet correct. It could be worst?
7 hours ago ยท Like

Don Allen ยท Friends with Lindsay Allen and 5 others
Trend setter.
7 hours ago ยท Like ยท 1

Janet Allgeier Walker ยท 12 mutual friends
And there it is. The morning you realize you can’t just stick your feet in the closet and know they’re gonna come out all matchy matchy!! Love it!
6 hours ago ยท Like

Dale Rhoades ยท Friends with Rick McCubbin and 9 others
I appeared in court one morning crossed my legs and noticed I was wearing a brown Wingtip and I immediately thought you don’t wear brown Wingtips with dark blue suits. I looked at the other foot and had a black one on it. They were both Wingtips just didn’t match. Don’t be so sure no one noticed your faux pas; just because they didn’t mention it doesn’t mean they weren’t enjoying you making a fool of yourself. No one ever mentioned it to me either but I’ve just got to think that in a courtroom full of people someone had to have noticed…lol
6 hours ago ยท Like

Kevin Mattingly ยท Friends with ‘Tom Mabe and 1 other
Bet you have a pair just like them at home.
6 hours ago ยท Like

Leon Middleton Terry, you are the trendsetter. Now every personality in town will be following your lead.
6 hours ago ยท Like ยท 1

Beth Harper Hahahaha!!!
6 hours ago ยท Like

Dana Moore ยท Friends with Jim Bulleit and 7 others
Now that is too funny!
6 hours ago ยท Like

Mark Green ยท 4 mutual friends
could be worse they could both be for the left foot
6 hours ago ยท Like

Don Mills ยท Friends with Scott Thornhill and 2 others
LOL, wondering what the socks look like.
6 hours ago ยท Like

Pam Colburn ยท Friends with Danita Conte and 2 others
But were your pants zipped? That’s when you really want someone to tell you!
6 hours ago ยท Like

Bryce Wade ยท Friends with Freddy Helm and 2 others
Played golf like that once!
6 hours ago ยท Like

Amy Merrick Lmt ยท 23 mutual friends
It happens. I walked around work for awhile one day talking to people. I had poppy seeds all in my teeth from my bagel and nobody told me.
6 hours ago ยท Like

Cory LaPrincess Powers LOL!!!
6 hours ago ยท Like

Will Hall ยท 8 mutual friends
kind of a john travoltra meets david letterman combo.
6 hours ago ยท Like

Rich Givan don’t get dressed in the dark!
6 hours ago ยท Like

Jackie Gulbe LOL
6 hours ago ยท Like

Kenneth George I bet the kids will notice it as soon as you walk in the door.
6 hours ago ยท Like

Chris Wright ยท Friends with Max Meiners and 101 others
Oh that is fuuunny! LOL! apparently no one noticed b/c the people around ‘you’ would have said something immediately and it would’ve been the joke of the day.
6 hours ago ยท Like

Leigh Meers Happy full moon and… approaching birthday!
6 hours ago ยท Like

Kim Southard Plock ยท 10 mutual friends
I don’t think you lost a tassel, it’s 2 different shoes, look at pattern. Oops, we still love you more!
6 hours ago ยท Like ยท 1

Troy Roebuck I’ll bet that made you mad enough to throw your martini at the help.
6 hours ago ยท Like

Kim Southard Plock ยท 10 mutual friends
Who looks at feet, not I!
6 hours ago ยท Like

Kathy Ann Satterwhite hey bud .. been there done that! and you’d think someone would sag hey nurse , your shoes dont match! lol
6 hours ago ยท Like

Kathy Ann Satterwhite to me i mean !
6 hours ago ยท Like

Terry Driskell ยท 2 mutual friends
Who polishes your shoes? Do you do it or have them done? Though you made a mistake, I noticed you didn’t forget your pants. Have a great rest of a Wednesday.
6 hours ago ยท Like

Jim Ziegler ยท 2 mutual friends
Maybe people noticed but didn’t say anything because….. Well … You are Terry Meiners…probably not a big surprise.
6 hours ago ยท Unlike ยท 2

Stephen Bowles ยท Friends with Jim Bulleit and 40 others
Shoe size = ? …tippy toe terry? ..
6 hours ago ยท Like

Angie Akers- Theising ยท 45 mutual friends
Doesn’t look like the same shoe?
6 hours ago ยท Like

Cindy Flanagan Lamb ยท 128 mutual friends
One executive, one Beatle.
5 hours ago ยท Like

Kathy McKiernan Lang ยท 17 mutual friends
guessing if you had hair it would be blonde?
5 hours ago ยท Like

Ray Turner ยท Friends with Charlie Cox and 6 others
Nah they noticed just figured you were being Terry
5 hours ago ยท Like

Charlie Cox Hey man; at least they are the same Color. I’be been known to do black and brown
5 hours ago ยท Like

Jerry Skaggs ยท 2 mutual friends
Happened here once. From then on, turned the light on in the closet when getting dressed!
5 hours ago ยท Like

Andrew Gabriele As was pointed out in Shawshank, who really notices a man’s shoes??
5 hours ago ยท Like ยท 2

Jen Brown ยท Friends with Cosmo Mudd and 2 others
Terry–your hygienist and dentist are concerned again….
5 hours ago ยท Like

Rob Mattheu I did this the other day.
5 hours ago ยท Like

Cletis Evans Just blame it on the fact that your lovely wife has more closet space than you. I’m reaching out here for you but it will probably do no good. Here is a good tip that us Marines are trained to do: Look in the mirror and check yourself from head to toe and then say to yourself — damn, I am good looking. That’s what we do. lol….have a great day Terry.
5 hours ago ยท Like

Mary Raque Anderson ยท 18 mutual friends
Lol! I was at work one time and this young girl was complaining her feet hurt so bad, she had on high heels on the wrong feet! All day long!!!!
5 hours ago ยท Like ยท 1

Pat Mims What a dork! Lol
5 hours ago ยท Like

Dave Eldridge Setting a new fashion precedent, are we???
5 hours ago ยท Like

Karen Ehringer George Love it!
5 hours ago ยท Like

Ellen Gaffney Rankin ยท 3 mutual friends
Uh check you fly..
4 hours ago ยท Like

Sharon Sames Cheser ยท 2 mutual friends
I went to a wedding like that. The same shoe only, one was black and one was navy!! It happens to the best pf us.
4 hours ago ยท Like ยท 1

Chris Ann Cherry Must be in the water. Today, I wore one small red earring and one significantly longer black earring… head has been tilted all day .
4 hours ago ยท Like

Sharon Crady ยท Friends with Jill Ross Hobbs
They were looking at your smile and not your shoes.
4 hours ago ยท Like

Laura Lee Norton Better start heading home now Terry…
4 hours ago ยท Like

Sheila Rickert ยท Friends with Tammy Nash and 2 others
Oh they notice…
4 hours ago ยท Like ยท 1

C.J. Harlow i went on stage for a show with 2 different shoes onceโ€ฆ.
4 hours ago ยท Like

Sherry Klein Terry, you have a pair just like that at home.
4 hours ago ยท Like

Donna Barry Lil, I did that before, embarrassing
3 hours ago ยท Like

Cindy Shultz ยท Friends with Kristin Walls and 11 others
Bet you have another pair to match them, at home! !! Hahahs
3 hours ago ยท Like

Kim Johnson ยท Friends with Jim Bulleit and 100 others
Do your socks match?
3 hours ago ยท Like

Bill Easley ยท Friends with Mark J. Perelmuter
Were there any women there?
2 hours ago ยท Like

Penny Whitaker ยท 15 mutual friends
Can sympathize as it’s happened to me, and no one noticed I was wearing different GREEN shoes!
2 hours ago ยท Like

Bob Barry they are both black….early in the morning that is as good as it gets!!
2 hours ago ยท Like

Beth Hamm Duffy ยท 8 mutual friends
2 hours ago ยท Like

Beth Allen Heil Just an observation. Isn’t that your left shoe on your right foot
about an hour ago ยท Like ยท 2

Don Howell You prob have another pair just like that at home!
about an hour ago ยท Like ยท 3

Jill Bell Do your socks match?
about an hour ago ยท Unlike ยท 1

Shelly Schultz ยท 25 mutual friends
I know another brilliant radio jock who ” back in the day” did that often….great minds!
19 minutes ago ยท Unlike ยท 2

dad. husband. observer. media personality. pathological flyer.